7 Things You Should Know Before Buying Oscillating Tools
7 Quick Essentials About Oscillating Tools
Planning to buy an oscillating tool for small handyman tasks around the house? Then here are some tips that will help you make the right choice and enhance the productivity of your power tool by making it a multi-purpose gadget with use of replacement Fein multimaster blades.

Difference between round and straight blades - The straight blade is used for tasks that require you to keep the blade against the surface for cutting wood or metal. Round blades are best for shallow and narrow areas where you first have to make a cut and then insert an oscillating blade for deeper incisions.
Sanding wood – The tool has several attachments and accessories that can be of great use for your DIY projects around the house. Depending on sanding requirements, you can get special strips to reach around corners and crevices. But remember to use separate sanding pads for different surfaces.
Scraping – Looking for a handy tool to scrape of stickers and adhesive or silicone blobs around a new house? Instead of wasting time calling a handyman, just use an oscillating tool with appropriate blades to scrape them off gently. Just remember that the blade has to be first moved slightly below the adhesive blob or sticker before using the machine to scrape it out neatly.
Cutting excess metal pieces – If the plumber has used a long pipe which is sticking out at an awkward location then use a tool with metal cutting blades or multi-tool blades to remove extra metal. This mechanism can be used to remove rusted nails and screws too.
Ideal Accessories – Oscillating tools can be used for several activities with the right blade, but sometimes you may not find the right one for your tool, so buy blade adaptor that fits, that way you can use any type of blade.
Importance of selecting the right blades - If you are not very familiar with using multipurpose tools for cutting, scraping, sanding etc., then use an expert’s help to select the right blade. Straight multi tool blades can be used for plunge cuts while round ones are for linear and precise cuts around edges and corners.