Flat Scraper Oscillating Tool Blades
2” Width
1 ½” Cutting Depth
Applications: carpet, leather, linoleum, cardboard
Scrapes paint and bonding materials
Best known for scraping and cleanup
Scraping has got to be one of the most miserable, thankless jobs in existence. We’ve never met anyone who enjoys it, but it seems like it’s unavoidable in construction and painting. We can’t eliminate scraping from your life, but we have figured out a way to make it more bearable. This blade is great for scraping and cleaning up dried paint and bonding materials, and it can also cut carpet, linoleum, and cardboard. These Flat Scraper Multi Tool Blades help with many kinds of preparation and clean-up, sparing you the sore arms and aggravation of scraping the old-fashioned way. One of our customers claimed that he would never even consider doing an exterior paint job without a few of these blades ready to go. In addition to scraping, these blades even work well as a freehand cutting tool. For instance, if you are installing carpet, you might use this blade to scrape down some hard drywall mud that the last crew left on the floor, then use the same blade to cut the right amount of carpet off of a large roll. You can cut many materials with it, and also use if for scoring. This does so much more than just scraping…. If we can come up with a word awesome enough, we may have to change the name of this one.