Specialty Oscillating Tool Blades
2 1/4” Width
1 ½” Cutting Depth
Applications: Wood Carving,Carpet,Plastic,Fiberglass,Plexiglass,Cardboard & Other Softer Material
Best known for Precision cuts,Carving & Sculpting
Its like a Pocket Knife for your Multi Tool
We talk all the time about the importance of precision. It’s what separates the professionals from the hacks, the true craftsmen from the wannabes. Now we have outdone ourselves. This is the most precise blade we have ever seen for a multi-use oscillating tool. It cuts lighter materials with absolutely surgical precision. This blade cuts so intricately that you could cut a jigsaw puzzle out of soft wood, cardboard, carpet, or other materials. Some people would not even know what to do with a tool this precise, but we are sure that a real craftsman will think of something.